Saturday, January 24, 2015

Arms of Flesh ?

If ever there was an escalating global tragedy, it is the great con of psychotropic drugging. Independent science and voices of warning have been sounding for decades and still the CON goes on. Outright lies, suppression of evidence, disparaging of truth, slick slick propaganda, and on and on—all of which keep the profits rolling in as people in physical and psychic pain seek the advice of professionals who, in turn, accept (without independent study) the advice and claims of the profit-seekers.

Has there ever been such appalling myopia (and collusion) in recorded history?!

And so day after day, hour upon hour, individuals die, families split apart, hopes and dreams are shattered while:
▪  the Regulator’s revolving door spins in sync with Big Pharma;
▪  prescribers, with the scribble of a pen, shunt the suffering to the “chemical” dispensers without a word of warning;
▪  pharmacists dispense their orders in small bottles without a word of caution; or, on the odd occasion, silently offer a caveat in tiny script or lengthy folio;
▪  therapists and counselors (try to) ply their (expensive) skills without ever asking about psychoactive drug effects or adverse withdrawal reactions;1
▪  independent researchers test the Pharma claims and find the placebo as effective as the drug, but few pay attention as drug-induced, chronic brain impairment (CBI) spreads its toxic sludge;
▪  prescribers and others interpret the consequent drug-induced abnormal behaviors or worsening symptoms as the unmasking of a patient’s mental illness and thus, they up the dosage; or worse, poly-prescribe to try and mask the adverse effects;
▪  in cases of suicide or mayhem, the toxicology reports are suppressed or sealed, whenever possible, and when not permitted, the ploy is to blame the patient for non-use or irregular use, EVEN when black boxes and adverse effects listed in hefty desk-references warn of abnormal behaviors, suicidality, homicidal ideation, impulsivity, paranoia, mania, etc., etc.
How long do we trust in these arms of flesh? How many people have to “inexplicably” die before we accept the diagnosis—medication spellbinding—that seems to afflict nigh the entire world?

Why this spellbinding, stupefying trust? Dont we know better? Do we really think that an obsession with bottom-line inclines one toward truth-telling? Haven’t we yet understood: When money is all that matters, the trust must end?

What have we been told about trusting in the arm of flesh?
I will not put my trust in the arm of flesh; for I know that cursed is he that putteth his trust in the arm of flesh. Yea, cursed is he that putteth his trust in man or maketh flesh his arm. (Book of Mormon | 2 Nephi 4:34)
How long before we allow ourselves to register these facts?
» … all the physical treatments in psychiatry—medication, electroshock, and lobotomy—have their primary or “therapeutic” effect by causing malfunctions in the brain and the mind that are then misidentified as “improvements.” (Breggin,* p. 27)
» Spellbinding more specifically builds on a brain-disabling corollary, which states that patients receiving medications and other mind-altering treatments “often display poor judgment about the positive and negative effect of the treatment on their functioning.” (p. 27)
» Depression and suicide are not side effects as much as they are primary effects of stimulant drugs. (p. 192)
» Millions of children are having the spiritual stuffing knocked out of them by stimulant drugs. (p. 199)
» Drug companies go to great lengths to protect their products and in the process they keep doctors and the public in the dark about many of their adverse effects. (p. 246)
» Unfortunately, many healthcare practitioners remain unaware that the first few doses, or dose changes, present the greatest risk of causing severe adverse psychiatric reactions. (p. 266)
» At the end of the day, you cannot trust what your doctor tells you because you cannot trust the information your doctor is getting from the drug companies. (p. 268)
» Modern people swim in a sea of psychopharmacological advertising and promotion amounting to an all pervasive propaganda campaign designed to shape the way we think about our lives and ourselves. (p. 269)
»  Psychoactive drugs do not improve biochemical imbalances; they cause them, and withdrawal reactions are one result. (p. 274)
»  (See a few additional quotes from Breggin at footnote 2 below.)
It is time every soul on earth read at least one of these:
▪  Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal: A Guide for Prescribers, Therapists, Patients and their Families by Peter R. Breggin, M.D.
▪  Overdosed America: The Broken Promise of American Medicine by John Abramson, M.D.
▪  The Truth About the Drug Companies: How They Deceive Us and What to Do About It  by Marcia Angell, M.D.
▪  The Myth of the Chemical Cure: A Critique of Psychiatric Drug Treatment by Joanna Moncrieff
▪  Medicines Out of Control?: Antidepressants and the Conspiracy of Goodwill by Charles Medawar and Anita Hardon
for if we aren’t taking psychoactive drugs ourselves, we know and probably love someone who is.

Please listen to these witnesses and many other credible ones you can easily find:

“Depression is NOT a Chemical Imbalance” (Time: 2:56:35)

Psychiatry: The Marketing of Madness (Time: 2:56:35)

And PLEASE, do NOT stop your meds cold-turkey. You need a support system to help you navigate the crisis. Withdrawal is one of the most dangerous times for drug-induced psychosis, mania, depression, suicidality, medication spellbinding, etc. But know this: There are better ways to get through and beyond pain and confusion than CBI (chronic brain impairment). Search out what works for you. There is hope and there is healing, no matter how it looks right now.

*Peter R. Breggin, M.D., Medication Madness: The Role of Psychiatric Drugs in Cases of Violence, Suicide, and Crime © 2008.
1. See the PLEA at
2. More quotes from Breggin:*
» Stimulants [like Ritalin or Concerta] work in part by causing obsessive -compulsive behavior, compelling a child to act dutifully and to persist at boring tasks. (p. 189)
» Most children taking stimulants will become abnormally obsessive and compulsive. (p. 194)
» Both Ritalin and Prozac can overstimulate children and adults, causing them to start drinking alcohol or to increase their alcohol intake as a method of calming themselves down. (p. 204)
» By shutting down the functions of the highest centers of the brain, [antipsychotic] drugs can produce an actual chemical lobotomy and a chemical straitjacket from which no adult or child can escape. (p. 211)
» The “antipsychotic” medications like Zyprexa, Seroquel, and Abiligy have their primary or “therapeutic” effect by causing severe apathy and indifference. (p. 222)
» There are two exceptions to the rule that antipsychotic drugs crush spontaneity and enforce robotic docility. One exception is akathisia, an experience of inner torture with a compulsion to move, which we’ve seen as a result of exposure to SSRI antidepressants. … Withdrawal is the other exception in which neuroleptics can cause activation with anxiety and agitation rather than more stupefied reactions. (p. 236-237)
»  The fact that a drug sometimes makes us feel better does not mean that it’s correcting a biochemical imbalance. Recreational drugs such as alcohol and marijuana are used by hundreds of millions of people to “relax,” but few if any scientists believe that these chemicals are correcting imbalances in the brain. Instead, everyone recognizes that they impair brain function. No psychiatric drug is known to correct anything in the brain. (p. 272, bold emphasis added)